4th Extreme Contexts Virtual Workshop “Theorizing from routine behaviors in Extreme Contexts” 3rd of June
We are excited to let you know that the theme of the 4th ECVW is “Theorizing from routine behaviors in Extreme Contexts” featuring Professor Beth Bechky (NYU Stern School of Business) and Professor Daniel Geiger (Hamburg University)!! WHEN? Thursday, June 3, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm UTC. Please note that if you want to “hang out and chat” before…
Sign-up for the first Brown bag session related to extreme contexts! [Thursday, April 15th]
Greetings! We are delighted to share that the first Extreme Context Research Brown Bag Session will be hosted on Thursday, April 15th from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST / 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM GMT / 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM CEST via zoom. The Extreme Context…
Videos with William H Starbuck on extreme contexts now published
1st Extreme Context Research Brown Bag session (!!!)
Do you have an early-stage extreme context research project that you would like to receive feedback on? Are you looking for co-authors to join your extreme context research team? Do you or will you have access to an extreme context and want to talk about potential research ideas? Are you looking for feedback on your…
Second Extreme Contexts virtual seminar done!
Yesterday we had the pleasure of discussing with Steffen Farny, Mark de Rond and Ann Langley and their thoughts on Methodology and Extreme Contexts. We were 73 participants from all over the world and walks of life. The discussions were wide-ranging and hard to make justice in a small space, but it included the importance…
Video with Steffen Farny on “Affective ethnographic inquiry in post-disaster contexts” now available!
The third video for the second Extreme contexts virtual workshop series is now available. See below!
Video with Mark De Rond on “Ethnography and the traffic in pain”
The second video for the second Extreme contexts virtual workshop series is now available. See below!
Video with Ann Langley on “Being where? Navigating the involvement paradox in Extreme Contexts Reseaerch accounts” now available!
Please find the video for the second Extreme contexts virtual workshop here!
Newsletter and workshop: Methodology & Extreme Contexts
Third newsletter from the Extreme contexts community just distributed (see here)! The newsletter includes an invitation to the second extreme contexts workshop: Methodology & Extreme Contexts! See more information about the workshop here.
COVID-19 & Extreme Contexts
The first Extreme Contexts Virtual workshop was successfully organized today. 68 participants but many more registered. We had the pleasure of listening and discussing the research of Alan D Meyer, Julia DiBenigno, Daniel Beunza with direct reference and impact from COVID-19. Videos of their presentations can be found on the new Youtube channel or this…